Investor Relations

About Koç Holding

About Koç Holding and Koç Group

Koç Holding, with its almost a century-long journey since 1926, is Turkey’s leading investment holding company and Koç Group is Turkey's largest industrial and services group in terms of revenues, exports, number of employees and market capitalization. Koç Group’s combined revenues correspond to 7% of Turkey’s GDP and exports account for 7% of Turkey’s total exports. As of 31 December 2024, Koç Holding and our publicly traded companies, which comprise approximately 90% of our net asset value, accounted for 19% of the total market capitalization of the companies listed on Borsa Istanbul 100 Index.

Shareholder Structure

Share (%)
Amount (000 TL)
Family Danışmanlık Gayrimenkul ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi
Share (%)43.7
Amount (000 TL)1,109,340
Koç Family Members
Share (%)18.3
Amount (000 TL)464,948
Rahmi M. Koç ve Mahdumları Maden, İnşaat, Turizm, Ulaştırma, Yatırım ve Ticaret A.Ş
Share (%)1.4
Amount (000 TL)35,385
Total Koç Family members and companies owned by Koç Family members
Share (%)63.4
Amount (000 TL)1,609,672
Vehbi Koç Foundation
Share (%)7.3
Amount (000 TL)184,172
Koç Holding Pension Fund
Share (%)2.3
Amount (000 TL)59,553
Free Float
Share (%)26.9
Amount (000 TL)682,500

-Family Danışmanlık Gayrimenkul ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi’s total voting rights including A (2 voting rights) and B (1 voting right) shares is 55.62%. A shares do not have any other privileges. - Total buyback is ~890K shares as of 31 December 2024 (ratio in capital: 0.04%). - Koç Family Members: Rahmi M. Koç, Semahat S. Arsel, M. Ömer Koç, Ali Y. Koç, İpek Kıraç, Caroline N. Koç, Esra Ç. Koç and Aylin E. Koç

Koç Holding Management

Koç Holding Ratings



Koç Holding Rating Reports