
Climate Change

Delivering our climate change agenda

Climate change - and its adverse impacts - is a key material issue for the majority of our industries. We aim to demonstrate our commitment to addressing this challenge, by innovating and collaborating for the future, improving our operational performance and taking adaptive measures to build a resilient business.
Making the most of the best-available technology to optimise our operations is key to reducing emissions and improving energy efficiency, increasing our use of renewable energy and adapting to climate change across all our industries.
We work with industry and sector peers, government institutions, international organizations, academia and civil society to drive forward the climate change agenda and support policy development, both nationally and internationally.
Through the Koç Environment Committee, a platform that brings together environment, energy and sustainability experts from all Koç Group companies, we aim to build shared knowlege across all industries. The Committee coordinates all efforts on issues related to climate change  and each company takes actions according to the needs of their respective industry.