
Digital Transformation

Being global players means going digital

We’ve always been good at reading the spirit of the time and it’s kept us in leading positions in our industries. Now, we aspire to lead the digital transformation and expand our horizons to deliver resource efficiencies, connect people and create new business opportunities.

Digital is changing lives – and redefining leadership

Digital has changed the way we interact with each other and with the world. With whole sectors being revolutionised by digital business models, the leaders of the digital world will be the leaders of the future: those that successfully integrate technology into their businesses will flourish. But the real success factor won’t be technological advancement, it will be the cultural change that accompanies it – change with people at its heart.

Faster, easier, more sustainable

Digital enables us to serve our customers better, faster, with a fully customised experience and personalised products and services. It means we can rethink products, make best use of technological developments in production and make business processes leaner and more productive. It enables us to encourage employee participation and creativity and implement business models which up until now seemed technically impossible.

Driving the future: Koç Group Digital Transformation Program

The Koç Group Digital Transformation Programme is designed to maximise the opportunities offered by digital technologies through a rigorous change programme that is supported by a network of digital transformation leaders. The programme has the capacity to radically  transform products, services, business processes and business models to create added value for our businesses. We’ve already identified and roadmapped 500+ digital initiatives, integrated them into strategic plans and achieved a number of digital success stories across Group. Now we are rolling out new training, communication and collaboration tools to raise awareness of digital transformation and inspire and empower our employees to develop new ideas and digital solutions.